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Tips for spotting home security scam artists

A monitored home security system is a means of peace of mind and tangible protection for you and your entire family. However, it can also be a source of financial frustration. That’s because installing a home security system, and the alarm features that are packaged along with it, is a miscellaneous investment, fixated with expansive price variations, manipulative scare tactics and consumer-unfriendly contracts—and scams.

Needless to say, home security shopping requires a well-rounded perspective regarding the ins-and-outs of a viable business (e.g., fair pricing, beneficial customer service, great customer testimonial reviews, broad security features, etc.)

Ethical and viable home security companies do in fact exist (e.g., ADT); however, unfortunately more times than not, security system scammers make up a core segment of the marketplace. Undoubtedly, this is a disturbing realization among homeowners who deem family security and scam as a taboo combination. Immoral door-to-door sales agents is usually the preferred marketing vehicle and strategy concerning this type of unethically manipulative practice.

So, before settling of which security system you choose to install, consider the following suggestions as your guide for spotting security scam artists:

Sniff out the scammers

Follow these tall tale signs of security sales scammers the next time you here them knocking on your door:

  • Present you with a limited-time offer, and claim that if you don’t act now—you will miss out on a vital opportunity to save money.
  • If you notice a pen being continuously shoved in your face to sign something, you may have just encountered a security salesman scam artist in the flesh. This type of manipulative sales tactic is to scare you into convincing that no signature equals no safety. Usually, what the sales agent will tell you is that the signature is for a “free” alarm system installation. What the sales won’t tell you is that the signature is for a long-term contract that’s embedded with hidden costs and unwarranted payments.
  • Remember, telling a sales agent to leave your property should never be considered as rude, especially if you are not interested in the product or service and especially if you think the sales person is a scam artist. Many times, the sales representative will passively or straightforwardly pressure themselves into your house. Saying “no” entitles you to your safety, and if the sales rep. continues his or her pitch after you’ve told them to leave, call the police.
  • Scare tactics: one of the most fundamental and devious tactics a scam artist has in his or her tool belt. For example, the sales agent may present to you with disconcerting “facts” about recent criminal activity circulating the area.

Before a security salesperson (or any salesperson) walks onto your property to present their pitch, either ask them to leave or ask them:

  • Their company’s name
  • Business address
  • Company main telephone line
  • Contractor’s license number
  • State issuing license number of contractor
  • Designation under which the license if filed under

*If the salesperson is hesitant to give you any and all provided information, consider him or her as scammer.

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