If you were told that there was a simple and inexpensive way to lower your energy bill, you’d no doubt jump at the chance to cut the monthly costs associated with running your household. As it turns out, there are all kinds of products and practices that qualify. For example, you could switch to energy-efficient CFLs instead of incandescent bulbs. And you could power down or even unplug electronics when not in use rather than simply letting the screen... ❯❯❯
There is a lot to look out for before you purchase an older home. But what if many of these problems are hidden or even invisible? It is critical to know what to look for, because you don’t want to risk spending more money than you expected, which is common with older properties. You might be thinking you are getting a great deal on a home, but then find out you have to pay more to have your home gutted and remodeled. More than that, though, you also want... ❯❯❯
Although owning your own home has always been a step on the path towards the “American Dream”, it’s never been tougher to afford than it is today. Interest rates are nearing record lows, so affording a mortgage is still a possibility. But once you enter the world of home ownership you’ll face all sorts of expenses you never saw as a renter. If the hot water heater breaks, repairing it is your responsibility. Someone falls and hurts themselves on your... ❯❯❯
Whether you’re a bonafide horse-lover looking to purchase property that allows you to bring your equines home rather than paying to stable them elsewhere or you’re interested in the prospect of renting out equestrian-zoned land commercially (to breeders, public stables, or riding schools, for example), you may be looking to invest in real estate that offers the option to house horses. But you’ll find that this type of investment is a little different than... ❯❯❯
For those persons who live in and about the thoroughfare of London and need to locate property, they are fortunate to have access to the property search agents at Irvine and Cole. The London based firm is managed and operated by Jonathan Irvine and Fabien Gathercole, the original directors of the firm, which is now over twenty years old. Both directors are well versed and experienced in all property related matters. Together they manage a dedicated staff... ❯❯❯
Purchasing commercial real estate may be a wise financial decision for your business or company. Buying your own commercial space can save you money instead of having to pay rent every month, but it will only be successful if you do your research and are prepared for this large investment and responsibility. There are many factors to consider before you decide to take the plunge and buy commercial real estate of your own. Here are the top 5 things to... ❯❯❯
The basement is often one of the forgotten rooms in your home. It’s importance is clear and obvious, but despite being part of the foundation that literally keeps your house upright and in one piece, the basement usually becomes little more than a junk pile. It’s dark, musty, frequently damp, and basically is the place your leftover home goods go to die a slow death. In this day and age it’s important that you maximize all the available assets at your... ❯❯❯
Buying your first home can be one of the most stressful experiences in your entire life. First of all, it’s likely the largest amount of money you’ve ever spent all at the same time. If you’re taking out a mortgage you’re also committing yourself to paying off a loan for the next fifteen to thirty years. You’ve probably never thought about being involved in anything for that long unless you have children. Then there’s the hundreds of pages of paperwork to... ❯❯❯
Unless you enjoy reading the Old Testament, you probably don’t often think about flooding. But in 2013 floods aren’t just a lesson from scripture. Extreme weather patterns have been fluctuating in recent years, and flooding has become a reality even in parts of the country where it was never a problem previously. Millions of people who suffer through a flood don’t have the proper insurance to protect them, and for that reason and countless others you’re... ❯❯❯
Managing loans requires access to meaningful insights so that you can take corrective actions if warranted. If you only had to manage one or two loans, late payments and other indicators of potential risk would be relatively easy to notice and correct. However, with a large portfolio of loans to manage, management tasks become much more difficult. Fortunately, mortgage software exists. What can mortgage software do? It can serve as an early warning... ❯❯❯
Whereas your gas bill probably shoots sky high in the winter when your furnace roars to life and starts pumping out the heat, the warm months of summer likely see a spike in your electricity bill when the ceiling fans just won’t cut it and you’re forced to crank up the air conditioning. The longer days may help you to cut back on the use of electric lighting in the home, but it’s not enough to combat your AC usage. However, there are plenty of little ways... ❯❯❯
Do the temperatures in your region drop to unconscionable levels in the winter? Sick of your heating system always failing as a result of your higher than average energy demands to stay warm during the winter? Perhaps a heat pump is the best option for your home. As the winter is quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to make the switch – before everyone is scrambling to stay warm. When you are deciding between a heat pump or furnace, you might even... ❯❯❯
If you’re someone who has been doing a bit of research into how you can make some money by doing a bit of investing, then you might have happened upon a few articles that have referenced the benefits that come with real estate investments. Of course, if you happen to be a bit leery due to the continual shifts in the real estate market, we can certainly understand why. However, we feel that if we provide you with a few suggestions on how to do real estate... ❯❯❯
If you’re about to put your home on the market, then you’ve probably read on a house remodeling website or heard from a real estate agent that it’s a good idea to make a few house renovations before putting a “For Sale” sign in your yard. That’s because when you do so, not only does it raise the property value of your home, but it can also help it to sell more quickly. Well, as you’re walking through your house (and yard) and jotting down a list of... ❯❯❯
Most people focus on the interior of their home when it comes to making the cosmetic upgrades that will appeal to prospective buyers. Between clearing out the clutter, replacing flooring, slapping on a fresh coat of paint, and otherwise staging the home, there’s a lot of work to be done to prepare a house for sale. Despite this laundry list of tasks, some motivated sellers also take the time to address curb appeal by re-seeding the lawn, adding some... ❯❯❯
There’s no better feeling than zeroing in on the purchase of your very first home. But you absolutely cannot let your excitement cloud your judgement. Remember that it’s not only the mortgage that you’ve taken on that will remain with you for years and years to come. There’s no way to tell if the home you buy today will be easy to sell when you’re ready to move on. Hopefully this house truly becomes your family’s home, a place you can grow into and spend... ❯❯❯
Canada, a very large country, is a haven for real estate investors. The country is composed of ten provinces and three territories. If you are considering an investment in the real estate sector of the country, you can definitely expect a sizeable return of investment (ROI), taking into consideration the fact that Canada is a highly developed country, and there are plenty of investors who want to gain a foothold on the very promising Canadian Real Estate... ❯❯❯
The fitout process varies according to the commercial real estate client's needs. An empty office space should be prepared for fitout after the previous tenant vacates. The usual fit-out process in this scenario may include fresh paint, new carpeting, design and reconfiguration of base building outlets (including ceilings, lights, sprinklers, exit signage and more). A thorough discussion before engaging a commercial fitout designer should occur. The... ❯❯❯
Having a second bathroom in the home is like having a second sanctuary. Maybe you live with a large family and the whole one bathroom thing just isn’t working out, or maybe you just think that walk-in closet near the living room would be best served a half-bathroom or powder room. The question as to whether adding another bathroom will add value to your home is another question altogether. The answer, however, is that it depends. There are a lot of things... ❯❯❯
Your home is your castle, but is it as safe as one? You can turn on the news every night of the week and see stories about break-ins, home invasions, carjackings and kidnappings, and the sum total of all of that craziness can easily set you into a panic. Chances are you decided to buy in a certain neighborhood at least partially because of an expectation of safety and peace. No one thinks they’re buying in a dangerous area, but neighborhoods can change... ❯❯❯