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Best Ways to Enjoy Your Garden This Summer

With May just around the corner, gardeners nationwide are preparing to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Trees are shaking off the glorious colours of their springtime blossoming, warm weather is on the way, and the common focus now is on how best to bask in the glory of a well-tended summer garden. With this in mind, homeowners have begun to make preparations by enhancing both their property’s indoor and outdoor features.

Indoor Improvements

It may sound strange to say that making indoor improvements to your home will help you to enjoy your garden, but there are actually many sensible things you can do around the house in order to enhance your outdoor experience.

For example, you may wish to make the transition from indoor to outdoor more seamless, in which case you would be well advised to install either a conservatory or a pair of French or sliding glass doors. A conservatory will allow you to enjoy your garden even in bad weather, but this option can be costly. Sliding doors will give you better access to your garden and will improve the light in your home, and can be installed for a fraction of the price of a conservatory. You can even install your own sliding doors, using handy fixtures and fittings from Barrier Components.

Outdoor Improvements

Summer gardens are all about indulging the senses, so your garden should be a paradise for the eyes, ears, nose, fingertips and even tongue. Planting beautiful flowers earlier in the year will ensure that your garden looks its best. Fruits, such as strawberries, can be welcome additions providing you make sure to protect them against garden pests.

With regards to relaxing, furniture is essential. A good garden set will ensure you, your family and any guests are all able to lie back and soak up the sun in comfort. Many gardeners seek to enhance this experience by including thoughtful features in their designs, such as water features, rockeries and hanging chimes. Planting the right flowers in the right places will ensure that your relaxation is enhanced by wonderful aromas; popular choices include hyacinth, honeysuckle and rose.

Entertaining Outdoors

As the weather warms you will most likely wish to spend more and more time outdoors, enjoying your garden. The most common summertime garden pursuit is al fresco dining, and many gardeners encourage this pursuit by improving their outdoor lighting, arranging their furniture and firing up the barbecue.

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