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8 Pro Moving Tips to Help You Stay Organized for a New Home Relocation

Are you finally moving to the house that you have saved up for? Congratulations! This may be your first step towards achieving the quality of life that you have always wanted.

However, before you can revel in the bliss of living in your dream home, you need to pack up all your belongings for transport.

Packing and moving house can be stressful. Studies reveal that these activities are included in the list of life events that people find extremely difficult. There's no denying that such a process can be physically and mentally draining. However, a lot of people tend to make it more challenging for themselves than it already is by failing to do their homework and plan the move well.

If you want to relocate to your new home in a less stressful manner, proper preparation is an absolute must. For this, the best providers of packing and moving services in Dubai offer the following tips:

Pro Moving Tip #1: Pare down your belongings.

The fewer items you have to pack and move to a new home, the easier the process will be. So set aside a day or two to get rid of anything that is broken, you have not used in years, and multiples of the same objects. Throw them out, give them away, or even sell them if you can use some extra cash.

Pro Moving Tip #2: Book your movers at least a month before the move.

Get this task out of the way already as early as possible and lock in a moving date. Find the movers in your area by checking their websites and reading about the quality of their services, and then book the best one.

It's always recommended that you book movers in advance because identifying the lock-in date will help you better organize your moving timeline.

Pro Moving Tip #3: Use checklists.

Most moving companies offer a PDF file of a checklist that you can download and print out. This will help you cover all the bases such as packing supplies, things to pack, utility companies to call, extra services you may require to help you out, and others.

Pro Moving Tip #4: Gather packing supplies.

Some moving companies offer sets of supplies that you can just buy, which include boxes, bubble wrap, tape, rope, and cutters. But if you want to save a bit of money, you can ask around for these supplies.

For boxes, for example, call a local grocery store or supermarket. You may be able to get cartons for free. Call friends who have moved around a bit too because they may have a few extra supplies you can use.

Pro Moving Tip #5: Pack items sensibly.

The golden rule when it comes to packing is to place all the light and small items in big boxes and the heavy ones in smaller boxes. Why? All the boxes will be easier to move around this way. Plus, pack off-season items first since it's likely that you will have no use for them until you have moved into your new home.

Pro Moving Tip #6: Do not forget to label the boxes.

Be as detailed as possible with labeling the boxes. This way, when it's time to unpack, you can find what you need much faster.

Also, make sure to mark the sides of the boxes. By doing so, you will still see what the boxes supposedly contain even if they are stacked on top of each other.

Pro Moving Tip 7: Use cling wrap for containers that do not have lids.

Containers and trays that do not have covers can be tricky to pack because their contents spill out. Use cling wrap to seal them off.

Cling wrap is also great to use for containers of liquid products. Place a film of cling wrap on the opening of the bottle before screwing on the lid; this will effectively prevent spillage during transport.

Pro Moving Tip #8: Protect the properties you are leaving and moving into from dings and scratches.

There's always the risk of causing damage to houses when moving out or moving in. It can be challenging to maneuver items through tight corners and doors without hitting the walls, railings, frames, and others.

Protect these vulnerable areas by covering them with old towels, installing corner guards, and wrapping them up with multiple layers of bubble wrap. The last thing you want on moving day is to cause damage to the property, which you will have to pay to repair.

Hopefully, these tips will help you stay on top of the different moving tasks, and they end up providing you with some free time to breathe. And here’s an extra tip: Wake up early on moving day. You never want movers to arrive while you are not yet ready.

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