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5 Benefits of Heat Pump Installation for Your Home

Do the temperatures in your region drop to unconscionable levels in the winter? Sick of your heating system always failing as a result of your higher than average energy demands to stay warm during the winter? Perhaps a heat pump is the best option for your home. As the winter is quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to make the switch – before everyone is scrambling to stay warm. When you are deciding between a heat pump or furnace, you might even want to go with a duel fuel heat pump furnace, which relies on both a gas furnace and electric heat pump – perfect for those colder than usual locales. Here are five benefits of heat pump installation.

  1. It’s more comfortable. Heat pumps provide more warmth and offer more even temperatures throughout the entire home. Moreover, because a heat pump’s unit is usually installed outside, you won’t have to deal with all the noises that you get from an electrical system or the sounds that are common in a furnace. Not only that, but they are much easier to use and don’t require any complicated programming to turn on – with heat pumps you just press the power button.
  2. It’s more energy efficient. Heats pumps don’t rely completely on electricity for power, thus you save a lot of money on your utilities bills and you don’t have to worry about your carbon footprint ballooning in size this winter. Because heat pumps rely on thermal energy rather than electricity or fuel to provide heat, you don’t need to worry about ravaging and taking advantage of the earth’s natural resources. In the winter, most systems rely on electricity or natural gas, which wreaks havoc on the atmosphere and brings us closer to depleting our natural resources.
  3. It’s versatile. Because heat pumps can turn cold air into warm air, they can also turn warm air into cold air, so you can use thermal heat pumps in the warm months too – you don’t need an entirely separate system to keep your house cool. Thermal heat pumps also work in those in-between months where it isn’t that hot or that cold. With the flick of a switch you can have the perfect temperature throughout your house.
  4. It’s safer. With heat pumps you don’t have to worry about noxious fumes that could become combustible. If you want to keep your children safe this winter, a heat pump is your best option. Heat pumps also don’t have any risk of releasing carbon monoxide. Not only that, but you don’t have to worry about your ductwork accumulating mold or other indoor air pollutants.
  5. It lasts longer. Traditional heating and air conditioning systems last up to 10 years – 12 if you are really lucky. However, most heat pump systems last up to 20 years or more – and you get a 50-year warranty. If you want a heating system that will last well into the second half of this century and don’t want to worry much about maintenance, a heat pump is probably the best option for you.

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